• Farm - Goat

    Kidding Season

    No doubt the success (or lack thereof) of your goat farm over the coming year rests on a few short and crazy weeks called kidding season.   For many people, this may be the most dreaded time of the year, but it does not have to be that way.  By preparing…

  • Dog - Farm - Goat

    Dickens on the Square Christmas Parade

    Hartsville TN Christmas Parade 2015   Alfred (Goat) and Sunshine (Carting Dog) lining up. Sunshine on the go. Alfred did awesome in this, his first parade, and helped people remember the real reason for Christmas.  So many people were surprised and delighted to see a goat in the parade and a dog…

  • Farm - Sheep

    Sheep Herding and Management

    SHEEP Herding and Management The sheep’s predators and protection: Domesticated sheep are rather helpless because for many years they have been bred to depend upon humans.  Because sheep were some of the first animals to be domesticated, they need constant care and attention.  They are less vulnerable with a guardian…

  • Farm - Goat

    That Goaty Taste!

    That Goaty Taste!  Solving the problem of bad tasting milk Every one that milks goats has at some time had milk that tasted, well, goaty.  Have you ever wondered why your milk tasted that way?  Well, in this article I will strive to answer your questions about goaty milk.  What…